Paul, are you a follower on YouTube of Proper Honest Tech? I believe he has done the best tutorial of the new Photos app. You may want to check it out and if any of your readers see this comment and the attached link they too can benefit from this tutorial.
Yes. I follow PHT and think he does one of the best YouTube tech talks. It's a bit too much information for my audience but I have gotten some good ideas there. I haven't seen his Photos update though, so I will watch that. Thanks for the head's up.
Paul, are you a follower on YouTube of Proper Honest Tech? I believe he has done the best tutorial of the new Photos app. You may want to check it out and if any of your readers see this comment and the attached link they too can benefit from this tutorial.
Yes. I follow PHT and think he does one of the best YouTube tech talks. It's a bit too much information for my audience but I have gotten some good ideas there. I haven't seen his Photos update though, so I will watch that. Thanks for the head's up.